Sunday, January 15, 2012

You want me to do what?

Yes, our (I mean MY) office closet was a disaster!!! Mikey has been asking me to clean it forever, so I finally did! 3 trashbags later and one new pair of shoes, and it feels much better :)


  1. I'm impressed! And the empty shelf could hold more new shoes...!

  2. Um, did you find the shoes in the closet or were they your reward for cleaning the closet?! Good job, either way! You could have enlisted me-this is the kind of thing I LOVE to do;)

  3. Great job, Rachel!! It looks so organized!! And Jess, you are welcome to tackle any of my closets anytime -- loved it when you took on a few of those last year;))

  4. I thought everyone was allotted one disaster room... No? Uh oh. At least we both still have our snake skin totes.
